ISCAS 2022 | 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems

ISCAS 2022 will be held in Austin Texas from May 28 through June 1.  Austin is one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States. Much of this growth is attributable to the rapidly growing tech sector in the Austin metropolitan area. The large and dynamic tech sector will provide an opportunity to include a strong industrial presence at the conference.

Following the lead of the ISCAS 2021 organizers that used a hybrid format whereby some participants attended in person and others participated virtually, a hybrid format will be established for ISCAS 2022. 

As we hopefully enter the post-pandemic era, our intentions are to expand the on-site in-person activities but for those that either can not or prefer to not attend in person, for whatever reason, we also plan on providing the opportunity for anyone to participate virtually.  In keeping with the tradition of maintaining a high-quality technical program, the paper submission procedure and the review guidelines will be identical irrespective of whether the presentation is made in-person in a lecture session, in-person in a poster session, or virtually.

New to ISCAS 2022 will be an early-bird paper submission option.  We are planning on waiving tutorial registration fees for authors of accepted early-bird submissions as well.  Additional details will be provided later.

We look forward to your participation in ISCAS 2022 in person, in Austin Texas, or virtually if that better suits your needs.

Link for more information or to register for the event:

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